Rob Jones Weekly Thoughts

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Good and Bad

Some Oil Seed Rape is going over which means honey in supers needs to be removed (as this honey granulates hard and does so very quick), but there are only small amounts- the farmers in their wisdom from the long winter have also planted some Summer Flowering Rape that is now appearing - more toil and trouble for beekeepers. The bees will work the Rape in preference to many other sources so other flowers will not get pollinated so well, in addition to the low numbers of bees anyway.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dare To think..No, This is a Crisis!

Checking my colonies this morning I was beginning to breathe a huge sigh of relief as all appear to be building well - after all it is only June!! Then along came the rain "just like last year" I thought and the concerns came flooding back (no pun).
Bee Farmers report a crisis and I have to agree BUT WHO IS LISTENING? Not our government it seems!
People need to be made aware, need to listen, and then action needs to be undertaken ( the right action).
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