Rob Jones Weekly Thoughts

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ivy....Last Hope?

Stuck in a queue of traffic coming home from work tonight, I noticed some Ivy draped over a wall, laden with buds - A last chance for the bees to stock up from natural sources. Lets hope it yields well to help the "girlies" through winter.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Winter and the Helpless Feeling

I am well under way to wintering the bees and this time of year fills me with trepidation and sadness. A real sense of  "you are on your own" now ladies, nothing more I know to do. All down to nature!? Well that makes me more worried as the "summer" was so awful having to feed the bees and queens not getting mated: and of the queens that did mate, how well did they mate?- Will hives come out of winter with no brood or drone brood? If there is a hope then it is that some colonies did seem to thrive despite the bad weather and this could be related to my recent investigations. Only time will tell.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


As I pulled onto the drive at home tonight I was drawn to the Sedum planted in the front border, alive with my bees busy working the flowers as the little buds opened.
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